Customized Uniforms - Concept, Design & Development

Welcome to the Design Studio of TSI Apparel. As the leading uniform suppliers in UAE, we provide customized uniform design services for our clients all over the world.

Looking for new uniform designs? Or just a refresh for your current company uniform designs?

Leave that to us!

why custom uniforms for your company?

Uniforms are a form of Free Advertising

uniforms are a Great form of free advertising

If your employees interact directly with your customers, they have a lot to do with your company image.

Employees can be a great source of marketing, if they are wearing a custom uniform with your company name and logo plainly visible.

Whenever a customer or member of the public sees them, whether at a trade show, or on a company errand, they'll be reminded of your business.

Uniforms promote team work

uniforms encourage team work

Feeling as though you are part of a team working towards the same goal is a powerful thing.

Custom uniforms for your employees helps them feel more connected as a team and more motivated to work harder to accomplish goals together.

Consider the impact that sports uniforms have on professional and amateur teams alike. Even the fans wear the same uniform to support their teams.

Uniforms create trust in your company

uniforms instill trust in your company

Although you build trust with your customers by improving upon your products and services, your employee's appearance plays a major role in building trust.

When your employees are outfitted with custom uniforms, you can be assured of a consistently professional look, making your company appear more successful.

This increases the level of trust that is felt both by customers and by business partners.

Uniform design: Idea behind creation

At TSI Apparel, we provide well tailored uniforms made with the best fabrics without compromising the functionality of the uniform.

Here, we go into our uniform design philosophy (which we discussed briefly in Our Profile).

At its core, every uniform design begins with our design philosophy in mind.


Design Philosophy

The Three Fs coming together in harmony will help create the best uniforms


Well Fitted Uniform

The fit of a uniform really makes or breaks the look.

A bad fit can make even the very best of fabrics - say, from VBC, look not-so-good, at the very least.

A good fit, on the other hand, is one that doesn’t just slide onto the body without discomfort - it’s one that’s tailored to flatter your frame specifically, emphasizing the features you want to draw attention to and minimizing the ones you want to conceal.

We provide UK standard international sizes from XS-XXL which are readily available in stock. If you are looking to go for custom fitting for your uniforms - we provide that service for bulk quantities.

The subtleties of fit can be a matter of style and fashion, but it should remain the first thing to consider. The best fit is built up, shaped, structured - almost carved around the body - to create whatever image a person desires.



High Quality and Durable Fabric

Premium and luxurious fabrics will always set companies apart in terms of their uniforms. The first touch of a high quality fabric, tells the story of a brand like no other.

But, uniform fabrics have to be more than just good in feel. They have to be durable.

In some cases, be able to withstand high temperatures and extreme work conditions. They may have to be anti-wrinkle, anti-perspirant or be flame retardant.



Functional Scrubs - Serving a Purpose

Uniforms are meant for a purpose other than just looking good - They serve and fulfill a functional need.

Functionality of a uniform can be - pockets or pen holders on coveralls or aprons for quick and easy access.

It can also be the placement of those pockets on a uniform, which helps the wearer do his/her job in the most efficient manner.

We strive to achieve maximum functionality when creating uniforms.